The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

He answered, "No, no, I haven't."
I said, "That's one thing that's bothering you. Not
only was your stomach burning like fire, but your
conscience was hurting you. I can't minister to you until
you get this cleared up with the Lord. What are you
going to do about paying your tithes? Are you going to
obey God or are you not going to obey God?"
He said, "I'm going to obey God. I'm going to pay my
You see, people can open a door to the devil through
disobedience. Once this man repented and got in line
with God, then I could minister to him. I laid hands on
him and cast out the evil spirit that was oppressing and
afflicting his body and causing the ulcers.
After I cast the evil spirit out of him, I told him, "On
the way home from the meeting tonight, go buy yourself
a T-bone steak and eat it when you get home." He
hadn't eaten anything except baby food for two years,
and he hadn't worked for two years. He did just that.
Later he went back to the doctors and they x-rayed his
stomach. That cluster of ulcers had completely
disappeared, and he was back on the job the very next
Now let me give you an example of mental
oppression—of an instance when an evil spirit got ahold
of a Christian's mind. I was ministering in a meeting
and a man came forward for prayer. He had a nervous
condition and couldn't sleep. I laid hands on him and
prayed for him, and he went back to his seat. I kept on
ministering to other people.
I happened to look over to where this man was
seated. I had my eyes wide open, and God gave me a
manifestation of the gift of discerning of spirits; I saw

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