The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Distinguishing the Difference Between Oppression, Obsession,
and Possession

into the realm of spirits. I saw what looked like a little
spirit being sitting on this man's shoulder. It looked a
lot like a little monkey, although its face was different.
This little creature had its arms around the man's
head in a vice-like headlock. I didn't know until
afterward, but this man had already been committed to
a mental asylum. He was just waiting for the
authorities to come and get him to be institutionalized.
I said to him, "Brother, come back up here, please."
He came back to the front. I spoke to the evil spirit that
was oppressing his mind. (You deal with the evil spirit,
not the person.) I didn't tell anyone I had seen anything,
because it's not always wise to do that in a public
meeting. I just said to this evil spirit, "You foul spirit
that has oppressed and bound this man, I command you
to loose him in the Name of Jesus. Take your hands off
his mind now in Jesus' Name."
When I said that, that little monkey-like creature
turned loose of the man's head and fell off his shoulder,
and lay at his feet just whimpering and whining. Then
the little creature spoke up and said, "Well, I sure don't
want to. But if you tell me to, I know I have to."
I replied, "Not only leave him, but leave these
premises in the Name of Jesus," and the little creature
got up and ran out the door. This man lifted both hands
and began to praise God. He told me, "It's like an iron
band snapped from around my head." He had been
mentally oppressed, but he was completely delivered.
Just because this man's nervousness was caused by
a demon, doesn't mean every case of nervousness is
caused by a demon. You'll have to rely on the Holy
Spirit to know when the literal presence of a demon is
causing the affliction. In your own human knowledge or

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