The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

wisdom you won't know whether or not an evil spirit is
present. But in this case, I knew by the Holy Spirit that
this man's mental oppression was a direct result of the
presence of an evil spirit.
That man never did go to the asylum. In fact, years
later he was still doing fine. Thank God for God's power
and the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
We are powerless and helpless without the Word of God
and the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Christians Can Yield to the Devil
We've seen how an evil spirit can oppress the body
or the mind a person—saved and unsaved alike. It's
also possible for a Christian to yield to an evil spirit
when he is being oppressed by one and to give it place.
Scripture bears out the fact that a person can yield
to God and then turn right around and yield to the
devil. Peter did. Although Peter wasn't born again yet
because Jesus hadn't gone to the Cross yet to pay for
our redemption, Peter was used by God to bring forth a
revelation of the Holy Spirit. But then almost
immediately afterward, he yielded to the devil (Matt.
But there's a vast difference between yielding to an
evil spirit and being possessed by an evil spirit. It's also
possible to only partially yield to evil spirits. But the
more a person yields to them, the more those spirits
will influence and try to control him (Rom. 6:16). The
good news is that Christians don't have to yield to the
devil or to the flesh. They can learn how to yield to the
Holy Spirit.

16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield
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