The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Christian, up and down and in and out.
I was praying one afternoon about my evening
service. Suddenly the Spirit of God spoke to me about
Buddy. He said, "There are three demons that follow
Buddy around." Immediately I had a spiritual vision—a
"mini-vision." I saw Buddy walking down the sidewalk.
I saw three spirits following him like little dogs, except
they didn't look like little dogs. They were monkey-like
and wiry looking. One was on the right edge of the
sidewalk, one on the left edge, and one in the middle of
the sidewalk following after Buddy.
The Spirit of God said, "These three spirits follow
Buddy. Buddy will turn to the right and yield to the
demon on the right for a while. Then he'll turn back
around and straighten up and act right. Then he'll turn
and yield to the demon on the left for a while. Then he'll
turn back and start acting like a Christian again. Then
he'll yield to the demon that's in back of him for a while.
"At times Buddy yields to these three evil spirits,
yet at other times he also yields to the Holy Spirit.
That's why it seems like he almost has a split
Buddy would begin acting like whichever demon he
was yielding to. Relatives had even remarked, "I don't
understand Buddy. Is he schizophrenic?" Buddy was a
born-again, Spirit-filled Christian. But just because a
person is filled with the Holy Spirit doesn't mean he's
incapable of yielding to the devil. Believers still have a
will of their own; they have free choice.
When the Lord showed me these three demons
tagging after Buddy like little puppy dogs, I said to the
Lord, "Lord, what do You want me to do about it? Do
You want me to pray about it?"

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