The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Distinguishing the Difference Between Oppression, Obsession,
and Possession

will come in and can eventually possess his body or soul
if given free access to them over a period of time.
However, in the case of a Christian, a demon cannot
inhabit his spirit unless the believer meets the
conditions stated in Hebrews 10:26,27 and Hebrews 6:4-

  1. I'll talk about these passages in greater detail later.
    For now I'll simply say that the majority of
    Christians never reach a level of spiritual maturity
    which would put them in a position to commit the sin
    unto death. The sin unto death can only be committed
    by a mature Christian by willfully denying Christ with
    deliberate forethought (1 John 5:16). So Christians
    don't need to be preoccupied with wondering whether or
    not they are possessed by the devil in their spirit. If
    they are concerned that they might be, it's a sure sign
    they aren't! However, Christians can open a door to the
    devil in other areas of their lives.
    I'll give an example that shows how a Christian can
    unknowingly open a door to the devil. Many years ago I
    read about Dr. Lilian Yeomans who was a medical
    doctor in a large New York City hospital. She became
    hopelessly addicted to drugs and was given up to die by
    medical science. Then someone told her about divine
    healing, and she was saved and healed by the power of
    God and spent the rest of her life teaching about divine
    Near the end of World War II, Dr. Yeomans became
    desperately ill to the point of death, even though she
    had taught and ministered on divine healing for more
    than forty years. At that time, she was probably about
    eighty years old.
    Later I read that Dr. Yeomans had been healed. In
    an article she wrote, she explained how she had gotten

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