The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

sick by unknowingly opening the door to the devil. It
was during World War II, and she had begun to worry
because some of her kinfolk were in those countries
where Hitler dominated.
Dr. Yeomans said that the worry over her kinfolk
began to bear on her mind, and worry and fear opened
the door to the enemy. Finally, she became desperately
ill. She ran a high fever, lost all her hair, and was at
death's door. She said she repented and asked God to
forgive her for worrying. She said, "God not only
restored my health, but He also restored my hair. Only
my hair didn't grow back white as it was before. I have
a full head of solid black hair!"
Dr. Yeomans became sick by opening a door to the
enemy through worry and fear. It doesn't make any
difference how long a Christian has been saved or if he's
been preaching or teaching the Word for years. Mature
Christians have to make sure they keep the door shut
on the devil just as much as baby Christians do.
In Dr. Yeomans' case, she'd walked in what she
called "divine health" for more than forty years and had
never been sick. Dr. Yeomans was a strong Christian
and knew about God's covenant of health. But, you see,
no matter how strong you are in the Lord or how many
years you've preached the Word, the devil will never
leave you alone. And if you yield to him, you can open
the door to him.

A Christian Whose Mind Was
Possessed by an Evil Spirit
I'm going to go into quite a bit of detail in relating
an account of a Spirit-filled minister who became
obsessed in her thinking with worry and fear, until she

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