The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

only possessed her mind because she had opened the
door to it through worry and fear. Satan can't just move
in and occupy a Christian's mind or body unless the
person gives him permission by opening the door to him
either through ignorance or disobedience. In full demon
possession, the demon would have possessed her—
spirit, soul, and body. But she was a Christian, so the
devil couldn't take over her spirit unless she had
willfully denied Christ, which she hadn't.
How are you going to deal with someone in that
condition, particularly when you can't get through to
the person's mind? At that time, I didn't know. I'd never
dealt with anyone like that. So I said to my wife, "Let's
go get Sister Sylvia."
Sister Sylvia was a layperson in our church, but she
could pray Heaven and earth together. While we were
waiting in the car for Sister Sylvia to get ready, I began
to talk to the Lord about what had just happened. I
knew if the woman were just sick in her mind, I could
pray for her, anoint her with oil and lay hands on her,
and she could be healed.
However, I knew if an evil spirit was the cause of
her insanity, it would have to be dealt with by the
power and leading of the Holy Spirit. I told the Lord He
was going to have to help me. I didn't know what to do.
I spent my time praying this way until Sister Sylvia
was ready, and then we all went back to the parsonage.
We all started praying, and soon we were praying in
the Spirit. We prayed to God for direction for more than
two hours. We weren't praying against the devil; we
weren't combating evil spirits. We were just seeking
God for His direction and about how to minister to this
Here's something else you need to understand. The

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