The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Distinguishing the Difference Between Oppression, Obsession,
and Possession

prayer of faith won't work in every situation. This was
an instance where the prayer of faith wouldn't work
because this woman was not in a position mentally to
agree with us and use her own faith.
Now don't misunderstand me; the prayer of faith
will work in those situations where it is supposed to
work. But when another person's will is involved, you
won't always be able to pray the prayer of faith unless
the person is in agreement with you (Matt. 18:19).
Before I could pray the prayer of faith for this
woman, I needed her participation and agreement, but
she couldn't give that because of her mental condition.
Therefore, her deliverance couldn't come about through
the operation of her own faith.
Some people have tried to make the prayer of faith
work in every situation and in every circumstance. And
in some cases, it's sort of like trying to put a square peg
in a round hole; it won't work. In other words, there are
different kinds of prayer, and they each have their own
rules for their successful operation.
So we were seeking God for His direction; we
weren't yelling at the devil or trying to drive out a
demon. We needed to get the leading of the Holy Spirit
so we would know how to deal with this insane woman.
We have to rely on the Holy Spirit in situations like
this. How often we read the scripture, .. Not by might,
nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts"
(Zech. 4:6), and yet we go right ahead and try to do
something in our own strength, power, and might, and
nothing happens. No, we will have to learn to rely on
God's Word, His power and might, and His Spirit in
order to be successful in life.

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