The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

We must often trust even the newest convert with
the most bold and difficult service. It strengthens their
Christian testimony and makes them strong in their
faith. I'm not saying to put those who have been
recently saved or delivered in positions of authority.
However, young believers do immediately need to get
involved in service and bold witnessing of what the
Lord has done for them.
Anyone who has been delivered from sickness,
demonic influence, or any other satanic bondage would
do well to remember this principle. It is especially
important for anyone who has been delivered from
Satan's bondage to immediately get into the discipline
of confession, testimony, and service because it will
immensely strengthen him to boldly speak about the
Lord's delivering power.
Jesus also knew that before long the whole region of
Decapolis would be so stirred by this one man's
testimony that it would prepare a way for His visit to
that region: "And he [the man] departed, and began to
publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done
for him: and all men did marvel" (Mark 5:20).
Apparently, cases of insanity are still the same in
nature and cause as they were in the days of Jesus. In
Jesus' day insanity was a matter of demon activity
either directly or indirectly. In this man's particular
case, the literal presence of an evil spirit was the direct
cause of this man's insanity.
Now let's go back and note in detail several key
elements found in this passage in Mark 5. In Mark 5:13,
evil spirits are called unclean spirits: "... And the
unclean spirits ... entered into the swine...."
There's no such thing as a "clean" evil spirit. As
fallen spirit beings, they are all unclean in nature. So

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