The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

verse 44: "Then he SAITH, I will return into my house
from whence I came out; and when he is come, he
findeth it empty, swept, and garnished."
Although we don't know the exact origin of evil
spirits, we do know they are eternal fallen beings or
eternal evil personalities.

  1. As personalities, demons can talk: "Then he [the
    unclean spirit] SAITH..." (Matt. 12:44). Jesus
    said to me, "When a person is fully possessed,
    the demon can speak through the person."

  2. As personalities, demons can think and they
    have volition: "I WILL return to my house ..."
    (Matt. 12:44). The evil spirit made a decision to
    return to his former dwelling place.

  3. As personalities, demons can communicate with
    other evil spirits: "Then goeth he, and TAKETH
    WITH HIMSELF seven other spirits more
    wicked than himself..." (Matt. 12:45).
    When the evil spirit went back to what he called his
    "house"—the man he had originally come out of—he
    found it empty, swept, and garnished, so he went and
    got seven other spirits to inhabit the man with him.
    This indicates a certain amount of intelligence in
    the ranks of evil spirits. And the list in Ephesians 6:12
    shows us that the devil is well regimented in his work
    because we see rank and division in Satan's kingdom.
    Matthew 12 also shows us that the devil is
    persistent in his attacks. The devil doesn't let up in his
    maneuvers against us: "Then he [the evil spirit] saith, I
    WILL RETURN into my house from whence I came
    out..." (Matt. 12:44). The devil will always try to return
    after he has been cast out of a person. He will endeavor
    to go right back to the "house" he has left, and he will

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