The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

free by the Word of God, he must be taught how to stay
free by appropriating the Word for himself. The Word of
God is our protection against the wiles and strategies of
the devil.
That is why it is so important in dealing with
demonic influences in the lives of Christians, to be
especially careful to get the Word into them. Christians
need to know who they are in Christ and the authority
they possess in that Name (John 14:13,14; Phil. 2:9,10).
Otherwise, we do them an injustice in casting a spirit
out of their bodies or minds, because the Bible says they
can end up seven times worse than they were before.
Believers simply need to take their place of
authority in Christ. Believers don't need to be
continually on the run from the devil or harassed in
mind or body. The believers' authority in Christ is a
place of victory and triumph far above principalities and
As Christians, we are seated in heavenly places in
Christ, and therefore we look down on Satan and his
hosts from a place of triumph, not fear or defeat (Eph.
1:3; 2:5,6). And if we're going to deal biblically with the
kingdom of darkness, we need to always be mindful of
that triumphant position as joint-heirs with Christ. It is
a position of authority in Christ over the devil and all
his works and operations against us.

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