The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

out of other believers? No, He did not!
Even in the Acts of the Apostles, those out of whom
the devil was cast were not Christians. In fact, there is
no record anywhere in the Bible of an evil spirit being
cast out of a Christian or of a Christian being demon
That doesn't mean a Christian couldn't have an evil
spirit oppressing him or obsessing him, which I've
already talked about. The Bible even says sickness and
disease is the result of satanic oppression (Acts 10:38).
For example, sometimes in dealing with sickness in a
person, I've found that I have to deal with demons
which are afflicting and oppressing the person's body.
Sometimes, but not always, there is a literal
presence of an evil spirit in the body enforcing the
sickness or disease. And it must be dealt with by the
power of the Holy Spirit in order to get the person
healed. When the demon is cast out, the person is well.
On the other hand, there have been other people
who were sick but didn't need a devil cast out of them;
they only needed healing. So we can't make ironclad
rules in this area. We have to rely on the Holy Spirit's
leading to know whether or not sickness or disease is
caused by the actual presence of an evil spirit.
A Christian, just as an unsaved person, can have
anything he wants to have because all people—saved
and unsaved—have free will. We don't lose our free will
when we're born again. If we did, we would be robots,
but God didn't create us to be robots.
Even after a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, he
still makes his own choices. He can think the devil's
thoughts and yield to the devil's suggestions if he wants
to. The devil always works through the mind, will, and

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