The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

The 1952 Vision: Enveloped in a
Cloud of Glory
When Jesus appeared to me in the 1952 vision, He
talked to me extensively on the subject of demons and
how they get ahold of people. There were three parts to
the 1952 vision in which Jesus taught me how demons
try to gain access to people.
I was holding a meeting in a church in 1952. I was
staying at the parsonage, and after the meetings the
pastor and I would fellowship together.
After one of the evening meetings, the pastor and I
began to pray. I no more expected anything unusual to
happen at that moment than I expected to be the first
man to land on the moon! I never felt so ordinary in all
my life. But as soon as I knelt down to pray, it just
seemed like a white cloud came down and enveloped
me, and I found myself kneeling in a cloud of glory. I
couldn't see a thing; my physical senses were
suspended. My eyes were wide open, but I couldn't see
the stove, the table, or anything else in the kitchen.
Many times in the Old Testament the glory of God
manifested in a cloud. (See Exod. 40:34,35; 1 Kings
8:10,11; 2 Chron. 5:13,14.) That's scriptural. I looked up
to where the ceiling should have been, and I saw Jesus
standing there. As I was caught up in that cloud of
glory, Jesus spent an hour and a half talking to me.
He began His conversation with me by saying, "I'm
going to teach you concerning the devil, demons, and
demon possession. For from this night forward, what is
known in My Word as discerning of spirits will operate
in your life when you are in the Spirit."
Jesus said, "I'll show you exactly how demons and

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