The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

evil spirits get ahold of people and dominate them and
possess them, even Christians, if Christians let them."
Jesus talked to me for some time about the gift of
discerning of spirits. One of the things He said to me
was that discerning of spirits is supernatural insight
into the realm of spirits.^1
Then still enveloped in that cloud of glory, Jesus
opened the realm of the spirit to me, and I began seeing
into that realm. I saw a woman, and Jesus began to
narrate the following scene to me. I saw this scene all in
action as it unfolded. Jesus said to me, "For instance,
this woman was a child of Mine. She was in the
ministry with her husband, and she had a beautiful
singing voice."
In the vision, I recognized the woman; I knew who
she was. I did not know her personally. I knew she had
left her husband, who was a pastor, for another man,
(In fact, her former husband was this very pastor I was
praying with in that parsonage kitchen.)
You see, unless Jesus shows us, we only see the
result of things that happen; we don't know why they
happen. I knew this woman had left her husband, but I
didn't know any of the details. We see situations that
happen in the natural, but we don't usually know what
has occurred spiritually in the spirit realm to cause
them to happen.
The Lord said to me, "This woman was My servant.
Her husband was a pastor, and she was in the ministry
with him. The devil came to her," and as Jesus
narrated, I saw what looked like a little imp—it almost
looked like a little monkey. I saw it come and sit on this
woman's shoulder and begin to whisper in her ear.

1 For more information on this subject, see Rev. Hagin's study guide, The
Holy Spirit and His Gifts.

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