The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Jesus still narrating, said, "By and by this demon
came back to her again, and sat upon her shoulder and
began to whisper in her ear."
At this point, that evil spirit wasn't on the inside of
her, but it was on the outside oppressing her mind,
trying to gain access to her through her mind. But she
still had authority over it because the Bible says, “...
greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world"
(1 John 4:4). She could have resisted the devil because
the Bible says she could (James 4:7). And she didn't
have to give any place in her thoughts to the devil at all
(Eph. 4:27).
Jesus said, "By and by this demon came back again,
sat upon her shoulder, and said, 'You are a beautiful
woman, but you have been cheated in life. You have
been robbed in life. In the world, you could have had
fame, fortune, and popularity.' But she knew that was
the devil. So she said, 'Get thee behind me, Satan.' And
the demon left her for a season."
Notice when this woman exercised her rightful
authority over the devil in Jesus' Name, that demon
had to leave her. But after a season he returned again
to tempt her.
Just because you resisted Satan one time doesn't
mean he won't try to come back again. The Bible doesn't
teach that. Look at the temptation of Jesus. The Bible
says the devil left Jesus "for a season" (Luke 4:1-13).
And in the vision, I saw the devil return to this
Christian woman to tempt her again.
As Jesus began narrating, I saw that little imp come
again and sit on this woman's shoulder and whisper in
her ear. Jesus said, "By and by, the evil spirit came
again and whispered in her ear, 'You are a beautiful
woman, but you have been cheated in life. In the world

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