The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

you could have had fame, fortune, money, and
Jesus explained that at this point, this woman was
still just being oppressed by the devil. Any Christian
can be oppressed by an evil spirit. No Christian is
immune to Satan's suggestions and oppression, but we
don't have to yield to his suggestions. And we have
authority over any oppression he tries to bring against
Then Jesus said, "But this time she began to think
Satan's thoughts after him. She began to think, I am
beautiful, because she liked to think that. And she
began to think, I have been cheated in life."
This woman didn't keep her thoughts in line with
the Bible; she didn't keep her mind focused on Jesus.
The Bible says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee ..." (Isa. 26:3). But instead
of keeping her mind on the Lord, she began to dwell on
and entertain Satan's thoughts.
She was a beautiful woman, but she got to thinking
about her beauty instead of keeping her thoughts
centered on God, His Word, and on God's will for her
life. When she began thinking the devil's thoughts, she
got lifted up in pride. The Bible says, "Pride goeth
before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall"
(Prov. 16:18).

Suggestion: Satan's Tool
Many believers wonder how Satan is able to gain
ground in their lives. The first place Satan starts to
work is in their mind, and one of Satan's greatest and
most powerful weapons is the weapon of suggestion.
After all, that was the weapon Satan used against Eve

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