The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

in the garden (Gen. 3:1-7). Eve followed Satan's
suggestion, and she was "beguiled" or deceived by him
(Gen. 3:13). One of Satan's main strategies today is still
to beguile people; he tricks and deceives them by his
But we don't have to fall prey to Satan's suggestions
because the Bible says we are to give the devil no place
in us. That means don't give him any place in your
thought life. If the devil can get a place in your thought
life, he can get a place in you.
Jesus then told me that when this woman began to
think Satan's thoughts and follow Satan's suggestions,
she became obsessed with that kind of thinking. She
began to like thinking those thoughts. Then in the
vision, the woman changed and she became
transparent, as if her body were made of glass. And I
could see a black dot in her head about as big as a half-
Jesus explained to me, "At first this woman, My
servant, was merely oppressed by this evil spirit from
the outside. She rebuked him because as a child of Mine
she had authority over the devil. She resisted him
several times and he left. But the last time she began to
listen to him and to continue to think his thoughts and
listen to his suggestions, because she liked to think
those thoughts. Then she became obsessed with the
devil's thoughts."
Jesus said to me, "She became obsessed with that
kind of thinking, but even then it wasn't too late. She
was still My child. She knew what to do. If she had
wanted to put those thoughts out of her mind, she could
have. She could have said, 'I refuse to think like that.
That's of the devil, and I resist you, Satan, in the Name
of Jesus.' But she wanted to think those thoughts, so

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