The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

she continued to think like that until she became
obsessed with that thinking."
It's possible for a believer to become obsessed in his
thinking with the devil's thoughts. But I want you to
understand this: That woman could have rebuked the
devil at any time because she had authority over Satan
in Jesus' Name, even in her thought life.
Jesus explained, "She knew what she was doing. She
even knew she was obsessed with that kind of thinking.
At any time she could have said, 'These thoughts are of
the devil, and I refuse to think like that. I command
you, Satan, to leave me. Get behind me, in the Name of
Jesus,' and Satan would have obeyed her. But she liked
to think, I'm beautiful. So she continued to think, I
have been cheated. In the world I could have had fame,
fortune, and popularity."
Jesus explained, "It wasn't until she began listening
to what the devil was saying and to entertain his
thoughts that she began to go wrong.
"She eventually left her husband and took up with
another man. She went from that man to another man.
Then she went from that man to still another man,
until she'd had five different men and didn't marry any
of them; she just lived with them."
Jesus said, "It still wasn't too late. If she had
repented and turned back to Me and asked Me, I would
have forgiven her. She didn't need anyone to put the
devil on the run for her. She could have done it herself."
Jesus doesn't endorse and condone wrongdoing, but,
thank God, He forgives wrongdoing if the believer is
sincerely sorry, asks for forgiveness, and repents and
turns from his sin (1 John 1:9). Also, notice Jesus'
statement, "She didn't need anyone to put the devil on

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