The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

what she was doing. She willfully and deliberately said,
'I don't want Him.'"
And when she said that, I saw that big black dot in
her head, about as big as a half-dollar, go from her head
down inside of her, into her heart and down into her
spirit. Then Jesus said to me, "Now she has become
possessed with that devil. That devil has control of her
now, but only by her permission."

Oppression, Obsession, and
You see, there's a vast difference between
oppression, obsession, and possession. This woman had
been in the ministry with her husband for about twenty
years; she was not a baby Christian. She was oppressed
and obsessed at first, but when she deliberately and
willfully denied Christ as a mature Christian, she
became possessed with that demon. But it was only by
her permission that she became demon possessed. And
the moment she denied Christ, she could no longer be
called a Christian.
I said to Jesus, "Lord, why are You showing me this?
Do You want me to cast that devil out of her?"
He answered, "No, you can't cast the devil out of
her. No one can cast it out because she doesn't want it
to go; she wants it. No man—not you, the church elders,
other believers, nor anyone else—can exercise authority
over the human spirit. When I was on the earth, I
exercised authority over evil spirits, but not over
human spirits. Even God the Father does not exercise
authority over the human spirit.
"I did exercise authority over evil spirits and
demons," Jesus said. "And believers in the Church can

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