The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

exercise authority over evil spirits and demons. But if
any human spirit wants the condition to remain as it is,
then there is nothing you can do about it; it will stay
that way. If this woman wants to have this devil, that's
the way it will be, and you can't cast that evil spirit out
of her.
"My Word says, '... whosoever WILL, let him take the
water of life freely,' and '... CHOOSE you this day whom
ye will serve ...' [Rev. 22:17; Josh. 24:15]. Man has free
will to make whatever choice he will on the earth. God
will not override man's will."
Jesus explained to me that before this woman
denied Christ, if she had wanted to be free, I could have
cast those spirits out of her body or soul in His Name.
But she could have also dealt with the devil at any time
and rebuked him. But because she didn't want to be
free, there was nothing anyone could do to help her.
Of course, after she denied Christ as a mature
Christian, it was no longer possible to cast that evil
spirit out of her. She had made the choice which master
she would choose, and she chose the devil (Rom. 6:16).
God Himself doesn't exercise authority over people's
wills. If people want to think Satan's thoughts and yield
to him, God won't override their will, and you won't be
able to either.
You can't make people think in line with God's
Word, and you can't make people want what God has for
them. You can't make them want more of the Holy
Spirit rather than evil spirits. You can teach people
what the Word says, and you can encourage them to
believe God's Word and walk in line with it, but you
can't make people do anything.

The Unpardonable Sin—The Sin

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