The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

repented, He would have forgiven her. But Jesus told
me that she came to the decision without being tempted
or overcome, where she willfully and deliberately said
she didn't want Jesus anymore. That is the sin unto
death—the unpardonable sin.
It's what the mature Christian does about Jesus
that determines whether or not he commits the sin unto
death. If the mature Christian willfully denies Christ
with deliberate forethought, the Bible calls that
committing the unpardonable sin, which is the sin unto
death. The sin unto death leads to spiritual death—
eternal separation from God.
Stop and think about it. A person gets saved by
receiving Jesus Christ into his heart. The only way
people can lose their salvation is by what they do about
Jesus. Jesus is the central issue of salvation. That's why
when people ask, "Can a Christian have a demon?" they
need to define what they mean by that. Actually, as I
said, Christians can have anything they want to have
because they have free will.
If they keep on yielding to the devil, mature
Christians could finally get to the point where they
choose to deny Christ, as this woman did. But then they
would no longer be Christians because they would no
longer be "Christ-like" and endeavoring to follow Jesus.
Once the Spirit of Christ departs, a person couldn't be
called a Christian anymore. And only at that point can
they become possessed.
So just because this woman was a Christian at one
time, she didn't continue as a Christian. She ceased
being Christ-like when she followed the devil and
denied the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "... If YE
CONTINUE IN MY WORD, then are ye my disciples
indeed" (John 8:31). This woman didn't continue in

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