The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

UNHOLY THING, and hath done despite unto
the Spirit of grace?
Verse 26 says, "For if we sin wilfully after that we
have received the knowledge of the truth...." That sin
couldn't just be referring to any sin, for if it just
referred to any sin, then First John 1:9 wouldn't be
true. First John 1:9 promises us that if we confess our
sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse
us of all unrighteousness.
Therefore, Hebrews 10:26 is talking about the sin of
rejecting Christ. Paul (who I believe was the author of
the Book of Hebrews) was originally writing to Hebrew
Christians in this passage. There's a principle in these
verses for all Christians, of course. But in New
Testament days, the Jewish Christians were tempted to
go back into Judaism because of the difficulties of
following Christ.
When these Hebrews became Christians, they were
ostracized and cut off from their families. They stuck
together and helped one another, but they were having
it rough, not only financially, but also because of great
Some of them were tempted to go back to their old
life of Judaism, but to do that they would have had to
deny that Christ is the Son of God. Hebrews 10:29 says
the unpardonable sin is "trodding under foot the Son of
In other words, if those Jewish Christians had gone
back to Judaism, they would have had to deny that
Christ is the Messiah. If they had done that, they would
have had to deny that Jesus was born of a virgin. And if
they had gone back into Judaism, that means they
would have counted the blood of the covenant
wherewith Jesus was sanctified as an unholy thing

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