The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

(Heb. 10:29). If Jesus isn't the Son of God, and He's not
the Messiah, then His blood would just be like the blood
of any other human being—it would not be holy.
To deny that Christ is the Son of God is the sin
Hebrews 10 is referring to. It's the same as turning
away from Him, rejecting Him, saying, "I don't want
Jesus anymore." The Bible is saying that if mature
believers willfully and deliberately deny Christ, there
isn't any more sacrifice for their sins.
After all, what made you a new creature to begin
with? It was receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. It
was believing in your heart that God raised Jesus from
the dead, and that He is the Son of God. You obeyed the
Bible and believed in your heart and confessed with
your mouth Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (Rom.
Therefore, the sin the Bible is addressing here is
denying Christ, not some other sin a Christian may
commit in his lifetime. But one of the areas where
Satan has wreaked great havoc in the Body of Christ is
in this area of the unpardonable sin. Many mental
institutions today are filled with people, even believers,
who are convinced by Satan that they have committed
the unpardonable sin.
Satan has used this scripture in Hebrews against
people who are not knowledgeable of the whole counsel
of God. He has taken advantage of their ignorance and
lied to them and held them in bondage by telling them
that they have sinned "willfully," thereby committing
the unpardonable sin.
Throughout the centuries people have died at the
stake because they wouldn't recant their belief in Jesus.
If they had recanted under great duress, God wouldn't
hold that against them. But if they recanted willingly,

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