The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Can a Christian Have a Demon?

of course, that would be different.
Jesus said this woman in the vision also committed
the unpardonable sin on the basis of this passage here
in Hebrews 10:26-29. As a mature Christian,
understanding fully what she was doing, she willfully
trod Jesus Christ underfoot and counted His blood an
unholy thing (v. 29). Therefore, there was no more
sacrifice for her sin.
The devil tries to make believers think they've
committed the unpardonable sin. Over the years, I've
had people talk to me who thought they committed this
sin unto death.
I've asked them, "Have you trampled underfoot the
blood of Jesus and said that He was just a man—not the
Son of God? Have you said Jesus was not virgin-born?
Have you said that His blood isn't holy and that it's the
same as the blood of any other man? Have you
completely rejected Jesus?"
To every one of those questions they've all replied,
"No, of course not."
"That verse doesn't apply to you then," I've
People need to understand biblically about the
unpardonable sin so the devil can't take advantage of
them. Unless a mature Christian who meets all five
qualifications in Hebrews 6 willfully says, "Jesus is not
the Son of God," or "I don't want Jesus," he has not
committed this sin. Baby Christians can't commit that
sin by making that statement in a fit of temper or rage
or in a fit of passion. In this verse the Bible is referring
to a willful, conscious decision.
No matter what Christians have done, or how far
away they've wandered from God, even if they have said

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