The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 6

6 How to Deal With Evil Spirits..................................

It is dangerous to think the devil's thoughts because
his thoughts bring darkness, depression, oppression,
and finally error. The woman in the 1952 vision didn't
guard her mind, and it caused her to go into error.
Because she rejected Jesus, she will spend eternity
burning in the lake of fire and brimstone (Rev. 20:15).
I was still kneeling in the kitchen of the parsonage,
praying with that pastor for whom I was holding the
meeting. As I said, this pastor was this woman's former
When I asked Jesus why He showed me this vision,
He said, "I wanted to show you first of all how the devil,
demons, or evil spirits get ahold of people, even
believers, if they let them. But, secondly, I want you to
command the demon that's in this woman to stop
harassing, intimidating, and deterring the ministry of
my servant," and the Lord called the name of that
woman's ex-husband, the pastor I was praying with.
This pastor had never told me anything about his
former wife. I knew his wife had left him several years
before, but I didn't know anything else about the
situation until I had this vision praying in his kitchen.
Still in the vision, Jesus told me that although I
couldn't deal with the woman myself, for no one, not
even God, has authority over the human spirit because
people have a free will, I did have authority over the
evil spirit that was influencing this woman.

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