The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

his stand against the devil (Matt. 18:18; Mark 16:17;
Luke 10:19; Phil. 2:9,10).
Jesus explained, "Anytime anyone in the Church or
outside the church is doing anything, saying anything,
or acting in any way that embarrasses, hinders,
harasses, intimidates, deters, or retards the ministry of
the Church, you don't have to have discerning of spirits
or a word of knowledge, just know it is the devil causing
the trouble.
"You are just to command the spirit that's behind
the operation against the believer to stop and desist in
his maneuvers in My Name—in the Name of Jesus. You
don't have to deal with the person; deal with the evil
spirit behind the operation."
You see, many people—believers and unbelievers
alike—unconsciously yield to the devil. Sometimes due
to ignorance, people can innocently become a tool of
Satan when they unconsciously yield to him. But
people, even believers, can also consciously yield to the
devil too.
Although believers have the authority to deal with
any evil spirit that's influencing a person to harass the
Body of Christ, we don't have the authority to deal with
the person causing the problem. Our authority doesn't
extend that far because we don't have authority over
the human will, and the person may want the evil
spirit. No one can get a person delivered if he wants to
keep an evil spirit.
That's why binding the evil spirit behind the
operation will not get the person causing the problem
delivered of evil spirits, for he has free choice and he
may want to keep them. But exercising our authority
stops the evil spirits in their strategy against a believer.

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