The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

for a long time in the natural, but I never got anywhere.
Nothing I did seemed to work; they still caused all
kinds of problems in the church. After I heard your
tapes, I realized it was an evil spirit influencing these
people, causing all the trouble."
You see, the devil can speak to Christians' minds,
and they can repeat what the devil is saying and create
division and strife (James 3:14-16). The Bible says that
Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and he can
influence believers to accuse one another (Rev. 12:10).
The pastor told me that in the privacy of his own
study, he simply took authority over the evil spirits
causing the trouble in his church and commanded those
spirits to stop in their maneuvers against him.
That pastor later told me, "Those people had been
causing problems for three years, but they changed
almost overnight. They were basically good, Christian
people. They just didn't realize they were yielding to the
devil and that the devil was using them to come against
the church. But once I dealt with the evil spirit causing
all the problems, those same people are now my
staunchest supporters."
I am convinced the Body of Christ has more
authority than we've ever exercised. Instead of rising up
and using what is rightfully ours, we are too often prone
to drift along, hoping things will get better someday.
But we need to remember that the Bible says we
wrestle not against flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12). Too
much of the time we try to wrestle with flesh and blood
—with human beings—instead of dealing with the evil
spirit causing the problem.
Now don't misunderstand me. As I said, there are
times you will have to deal with flesh and blood—you
will have to deal with people in the natural. But too

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