The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

devil—are to control your own thoughts.
It makes all the difference in the world what you
think about. God wants us to keep our thoughts
centered on Him and on His Word (Isa. 26:3). But if you
want to entertain wrong thoughts, God is not going to
stop you; He is not going to override your will. But if
you entertain wrong thoughts, you will open a door to
the devil in your life.
Don't misunderstand me; God doesn't condone
wrong thoughts. He's given us instruction in His Word
what we are to think about (Phil. 4:8). But if you persist
in thinking wrong thoughts, God won't stop you. It's up
to you what you think about, not God., You can think
wrong thoughts if you want to, or you can resist them
and turn away from wrongdoing in your thought life.
Sometimes believers consciously or unconsciously
open the door and invite Satan to come in. Or they may
do it ignorantly through a lack of knowledge of God's
Word, but nonetheless they give Satan consent to come
in to their lives through their thought life. A consent of
ignorance is still a consent.

How Evil Spirits Let Other Evil
Spirits In
In the vision, after the man became obsessed, Jesus
narrated, "This evil spirit obsessing this man is one of
the rulers of the darkness of this world—one of the
higher order of demon spirits. The rulers of the
darkness of this world are the ones that get ahold of a
person and will eventually possess him, if the person
lets him. And there are degrees of possession."
Jesus then explained that when these rulers of the
darkness of this world, this higher order of evil spirits,

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