The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

Jesus explained that the unclean spirit didn't come
out of the man until Jesus asked the evil spirit its
name. The unclean spirit gave its name: “... My name is
Legion: for we are many" (Mark 5:9). Jesus said in this
case, its name and number was the same—Legion.
Legion was its name, but it was also its number. So in
dealing with the madman of Gadara, Jesus Himself had
to know the name of the spirit before He could cast it
Jesus explained that through discerning of spirits or
a word of knowledge, when I am in the Spirit (or when
these gifts are operating through any believer when he
is in the Spirit), I would know what kind of spirit
possesses a person. But in some cases Jesus said it
would also be necessary to know the name of the evil
spirit or sometimes the number of spirits involved in
order to cast them out. If an evil spirit didn't come out
when I commanded it to come out, I should ask its
name and its number—how many evil spirits are in the
Then still in the vision, Jesus told me to walk up to
the unsaved man I was seeing in the vision. The minute
I did, the evil spirit in the man spoke to me just as
Jesus had said it would, saying, "I know you! I know
who you are!"
I said, "Yes, I know you know who I am. And you
also know I have authority over you in the Name of
Then Jesus said to me, "Now tell that evil spirit to
be quiet. Don't let him talk."
Nowhere in Scripture do you find that Jesus ever
held a conversation with demons. He always told them,
"Hold your peace!" (Mark 1:25; Luke 4:35). Jesus
explained that the only exception to this is when you

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