The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

need to do something about the adverse circumstances
in our own lives by taking authority over Satan and
standing our ground against him with the Word,
claiming what belongs to us.
Then Jesus gave me James 4:7 as the second
scriptural witness that believers have the authority on
the earth over the devil.

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. RESIST
THE DEVIL, and he will FLEE from you.
James was writing to the Church—to believers—
when he told them to resist the devil. Jesus said to me,
"James didn't say, 'Get your pastor to resist the devil
for you.' Or 'Get fellow Christians to resist the devil for
you.' He said you are to resist the devil. You couldn't
resist the devil if you didn't have authority over him."
I saw this truth. James didn't say, "Go get Jesus to
rebuke the devil." Or "Go get God to resist the devil for
you." He said, "You resist the devil and he will flee from
you" (James 4:7). You is the understood subject of the
I looked up the word "flee" in the dictionary later
and saw that one definition of "flee" is to run away from
as in terror. Demons and evil spirits are not afraid of
us, but they are afraid of Jesus, whom we represent.
Therefore, because we are in Christ, they will flee from
us when we take our authority over them in Jesus'
Some have said, "I'll just write in a request and have
a preacher pray for me. I'll write to that Hagin fellow.
He's got faith. Maybe if he prays, the devil will leave me
alone." No, each believer has to take authority over the
devil for himself. We don't need to get someone else to

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