The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

do something about the devil for us.
Satan can't take any authority in your life unless
you give him authority. Of course, if you don't exercise
your authority over him or take a stand against him in
the tests and trials he brings against you, then nothing
will be done about the situation, because you are the
one in authority on the earth through Jesus' Name.
Then Jesus gave me First Peter 5:8 as the third
scriptural witness that believers have authority over
the devil.

1 PETER 5:8,9
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary
the devil, AS a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour:
The Bible says, "your adversary the devil," so we
know we do have an enemy. The word "adversary"
means an enemy or an opponent. It means one who is
arrayed against us.
But remember this adversary is a defeated foe;
therefore, he can only walk about as a roaring lion. The
Bible doesn't say he is a roaring lion. That isn't to say
your adversary isn't real; he is very real. But he has
been defeated by Jesus Christ.
Why is Satan walking about as a roaring lion?
Because he is "seeking whom he may devour." He isn't
trying to devour sinners; they already belong to him. He
is seeking to devour Christians, and he will devour
them if they let him.
What are you going to do about the devil? Are you
going to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and
hope he'll go away? Are you going to let him devour
you? No! A thousand times no! Stand your ground with

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