Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?
reference to the world we are to go, but in reference to
the enemy we are to stand.
Therefore, in true spiritual warfare, we do not go
looking for the devil. But when he shows up, we deal
with him. Ephesians 6 doesn't instruct us to fight
against the devil, but to put on the whole armor so we
can stand against the attacks which Satan launches
against us. We take the sword of the Spirit and fight
the good fight of faith by enforcing Satan's defeat and
our triumph over him.
The Bible also tells us exactly how to stand strong
against the enemy. We do it by the Word and by our
steadfast, unwavering faith in the Word.
13 Watch ye, STAND FAST in the FAITH, quit
[act] you like men, be strong.
24 ... for by FAITH ye STAND.
The word "stand" in this verse means to be
stationary and to persevere. The word "fast" means
firmly fixed; stable; unyielding. Your position against
the devil is to stand firmly fixed, stable, and unyielding
on the promises of God's Word for your life. You are to
be firmly fixed in your perseverance of faith in God's
Stand Fast in Grace
Since Satan is a defeated foe, now it is up to us to
take our stand against him in the faith and also the
grace the Lord Jesus Christ has provided for us: "Let us
therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we
may obtain mercy, and FIND GRACE TO HELP in time