The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?

and he will use adverse circumstances and tests and
trials to do it. But in the face of every adversity, you'll
have to learn to stand your ground firmly fixed on God's
Word. You'll have to learn to be spiritually mature by
becoming strong in faith and in the grace of the Lord
Jesus Christ so you can successfully stand against the
enemy's lies and deceptions (Rom. 5:2).

Stand Fast in One Spirit
27 Only let your conversation [your manner of
life and conduct] be as it becometh the gospel of
Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else
be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that YE
striving together for the faith of the gospel.
Standing in faith and standing in God's grace are
mighty fortresses against the devil. But the Bible also
says we are to stand fast in one spirit. Strife and discord
always open a door to the devil (James 3:16). When you
stand strong in unity and forbid Satan to bring strife
and division, you prevent him from gaining any ground
in you.
Believers will probably never see every little thing
just exactly alike because we are all at various stages of
spiritual growth and development. But just because we
disagree on minor issues doesn't mean we can't be in
one spirit and one accord. Believers stand strong
against the enemy by being in one spirit and by not
allowing division and strife. Even in the face of
differences, believers must learn to stand fast in one
spirit if they are going to maintain a strong defense
against the devil.
If you are standing fast in one spirit you can

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