The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Praying Scripturally to Thwart The Kingdom of Darkness

'Mightily Grew the Word of God and
How does planting the incorruptible seed—
preaching the Word—pull people out of darkness and
bring increase for the Kingdom of God?
We saw that in Acts 19, Paul preached the Word of
God in Ephesus and mighty miracles were wrought for
God's glory. People were saved, believers were baptized
in the Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues, the sick were
healed, and those who were oppressed by evil spirits
were delivered.
All of this happened as the result of Paul preaching
the Word: "So mightily grew THE WORD OF GOD and
prevailed" (Acts 19:20). It was the Word of God that
grew and prevailed in the hearts and lives of the people
of Ephesus and brought them out of the bondage of the
kingdom of darkness.
If you want to see miracles happen, including people
being set free from demonic oppression and influence,
preach the Word. Put God's Word first, because God's
Word never fails. When you emphasize or exalt
anything other than the Word, you get off on doctrinal
tangents and people aren't set free from the bondages of
Satan. Exalting anything but the Word of God opens a
door to the devil because it gets you sidetracked from
God's purpose for the Church.
Preach the Word! Establish people in the Word.
Then they will be able to stand in any test or trial Satan
tries to bring their way because they have a solid
foundation for their faith—the Word of the living God.
Acts 19:20 says it was the Word of God that
prevailed in people's lives. The word "prevail" means to

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