The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

people are trying to deal with demons when the
problem is not a demon problem at all. It is a flesh
problem or a soulish problem, and those kinds of
problems can't be "cast out." How convenient if those
problem could just be cast out! That would provide a
trouble-free solution for us all.
The very reason "deliverance" has become so
popular is that it is an easy way out. Everyone wants an
easy way out—an instant cure and an instant answer.
Crucifying the flesh may take a little longer and be
more difficult to do, but most often that's the real
answer—not casting out demons.
An entire chapter in this book has been devoted to
discussing what the Bible does tell the Christian to do
regarding his flesh and soul. The flesh must be
presented to God as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1). A
living sacrifice no longer does what it wants to do. A
living sacrifice denies and crucifies self and the flesh in
order to be able to do the will of God.
Learning to control the flesh will never be
accomplished through "deliverance." That is an ongoing
process of sanctification, and it is the Christian's
responsibility for the rest of his life on this earth.
I have found over the many years of my ministry
that most people's problems stem, not from demons, but
from having unrenewed minds. Many Christians do not
renew their minds to think in line with God's Word.
They believe, think, and say the wrong things, and,
therefore, they have emotional problems, mental
problems, and bondages and are constantly inviting the
attacks of the enemy because they have left the door
wide open to him.
When I have been able to get across to people the
importance of filling themselves with the Word of God,

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