The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

sozo. Sozo is defined as to save, deliver, protect, heal,
preserve, make well, and make whole. So we could read
James 1:21, "... receive with meekness the engrafted
Word, which is able to save, heal, deliver, protect,
preserve, make well, and make your soul whole."
That means as you actively feed on God's Word, it
saves, delivers protects, heals, preserves, and makes
whole your soul, which is one of your greatest defenses
against Satan.
You see, if renewing or restoration needs to be done
on the inside of the believer it would have to be in his
soul—in his mind and emotions—not in his recreated
spirit. If a person's spirit has been recreated in Christ,
he doesn't need any restoration in his spirit.
Is receiving the engrafted Word the only thing the
believer has to do to get his soul saved? No, look at the
next verse: "But BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD, and
not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" (James
1:22). You not only have to hear and receive the Word,
you also have to act on it before it will do you any good.
Hearing the Word and acting on it is a powerful
defense against Satan, because the Bible says, "Submit
yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will
flee from you" (James 4:7). When you are submitted to
God's Word, you are submitted to God. And as you keep
your soul strong and renewed, it's easier to resist the
devil on every front.
1 PETER 1:22
22 Seeing ye have PURIFIED YOUR SOULS
through the Spirit....
You'll have to be a doer of the Word before it will
profit your soul. Your soul will be saved, delivered,

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