Scriptural Ways to Minister Deliverance
one experience that resulted in a person's deliverance,
you don't build a doctrine on that and try to minister to
every person the same way.
You follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and if a
gift of the Holy Spirit is manifested to minister to the
person, that's fine. Then you can follow the leading of
the Holy Spirit and minister to he person by the power
and unction of the Spirit of God.
If the Holy Spirit doesn't choose to manifest Himself
in spiritual gifts, just keep teaching people how to stand
against sickness and disease with the Word of God. The
Word always works.
Bedfast With Cancer
I remember another instance of ministering to a
woman with cancer. My wife and I went with another
pastor to pray for a pastor's wife who was bedfast with
terminal cancer. The cancer had started in her left
breast and had spread to her lymph glands. By the time
she got to the doctor, he told her, "It's too late. We can't
do anything for you." By the time we went to pray for
her, she was bedfast. The doctor said, "She ought to be
dead already. We can't understand how she's lived this
As we gathered to pray for this woman, we waited
on God in prayer and sought His direction. We were
there in that parsonage praying almost continually for
her for two days and two nights. We slept four hours
each night. The rest of the time we prayed and sought
The Sending End or the Receiving