The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

protected, healed, preserved, made well and whole by
receiving and by doing the Word.
That puts the responsibility on the believer if
anything is going to be done to his soul, doesn't it? And
it puts the responsibility on the believer if Satan is
going to have an inroad to him through his own soul.
That's exactly what the Bible is saying. Believers
themselves have to do something about the saving of
their own souls. As they undergird their souls with the
Word, Satan won't have an open door of access to them.
The major way believers close the door to the devil is
to get their minds renewed with the Word and by
practicing the Word. Many people are trying to cast the
devil out of believers, when the problem is not demonic.
The believer has just never learned to renew his mind,
so he keeps on thinking like he did before he was
redeemed when he was under Satan's dominion. Then
eventually he will start acting in line with his
unredeemed thinking, and soon he'll be dominated by
the devil instead of standing in his authority against
Actually, the "saving" or the renewing of the soul is
the greatest need of the Church today—not casting
devils out of believers. Since the believer's spirit is the
only part of him that is born again or recreated, his soul
and his body are unchanged and still have to be dealt
with if he is to successfully withstand the devil's
If the believer doesn't deal with his soul and body,
he will continually be opening a door to the enemy. Only
the believer himself can do something about renewing
his soul and bringing his body into subjection to his
spirit. And this is where the believer's major "battle" is

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