The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

connotation to recover, rescue, restore, reverse. To
"renew" means to renovate or to restore or to make like
If you had a valuable antique chair, you'd probably
want it restored. It might not even look like it's worth
much. But after it is restored, it is still the same chair,
but it's renewed or made like new, and it looks like a
brand-new chair.
Man's spirit is not restored or renewed; it is actually
born again or recreated. But man's emotional and
mental realms need to be restored with the Word of
God. The greatest need of the Church today is for
believers' minds and emotions to be renewed or restored
with the Word. The Word, which is spirit and life (John
6:63), has the ability to restore, renew, save, protect,
deliver, and heal the soul of man.

'Inner Healing'
At times, different members of the Body of Christ
get off into spiritual "fads" just like they get off into
fads in other areas. For example, several years ago the
Church got off into the teaching on "inner healing."
That teaching has about run its course now because
folks found out it didn't have long-lasting effects.
The term "inner healing" is really a misnomer if it's
used to refer to healing in your spirit because your
spirit doesn't need healing—it's been recreated. If you
needed healing or deliverance from hurts on the inside,
it wouldn't be in your born-again spirit because it's been
made brand new. No, it's your soul that needs the help.
How are you going to get all of those hurts in your soul
from the past healed? By thinking in line with the

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