The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

Find Scriptures that pertain to your need. Meditate
on the Word regarding your specific need. Say about
yourself what the Word says, for the Word has the
power to transform your mind and emotions. You talk
about deliverance! That's how you get healed and
delivered! Really, true biblical "deliverance" or
restoration in its fullest sense includes much more than
just deliverance from demonic activity, and it begins in
man's soul.
Some inner healing was probably the result of some
folks trying psychology with the things of God. The
dictionary defines "psychology" as the science and study
of mind and behavior. But the things of God and the
spirit of man are spiritual—not mental.
For the natural man, there may be some truth to
what psychologists are saying. But for the born-again
man, what they are saying is not necessarily Bible
truth. For example, in psychology, people dug down into
man and found out that he had something else in him
below the mental consciousness, and they called it the
subconscious mind. But, really, the Bible doesn't
mention a subconscious mind. What people discovered
and tapped into was man's spirit, but they didn't know
what it was.
Now psychology is fine in its place if the
psychologist is a believer who understands the true
nature of man and takes into account man's spirit, not
just his mind. Actually, in dealing with the natural man
—unsaved people—psychology may have its place
because those folks are still in the natural realm since
their spirits haven't been recreated. Therefore, they can
be dealt with by natural means, such as psychology.
But you can't deal with the spirit man the same as
you would the natural man. The believer isn't just a

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