The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

natural, carnal being because his spirit has been
recreated in the likeness and image of God. For the
believer, God's highest and best is for his soul to be
restored and made whole and sound with the Word of
God by the power of the Holy Spirit. And since the
believer is not just a soul or a mind, to deal only with
the believer's mind alone isn't sufficient.

1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 (Amplified)
MAN does not accept or welcome or admit
into his heart the gifts and teachings and
revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are
folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he
is incapable of knowing them—of
progressively recognizing, understanding
and becoming better acquainted with them
—because they are SPIRITUALLY
The Word of God says the natural man cannot
comprehend the things of the Spirit of God. Because the
believer is no longer a mere natural man, it makes no
sense to try to apply teachings of the natural man to the
born-again believer who is a spiritual man.
That is why the believer shouldn't be dealt with in
the same way the natural man of the world is dealt
with—only by natural reasonings and human intellect.
Psychology alone is not adequate to deal with the mind
of the spiritual man, nor with the recreated human
spirit which has been created in the image and likeness
of God.
Therefore, because man is a spirit, has a soul, and
lives in a body the teaching of "spiritology" is more
important to the believer. I call spiritology the study of

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