The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

with in your life.
Unless your soul has been renewed with the Word,
your outward man will rule or dominate your spirit
through your soul. Satan has access to your outward
man through your five physical senses. That's why you
need to get your mind renewed with the Word of God so
your spirit, the real you, working with your mind, can
govern your body.
Success in life over the devil doesn't come by trying
to cast out some kind of an evil spirit all the time. It
comes from getting your mind so filled with the Word of
God that your mind will side in with your spirit. And
your spirit directed by the Holy Spirit will lead you in
all the affairs of life—including out of the traps and
snares of the devil.
You are to actively meditate on the Word of God
with your mind so your thinking can be changed or
transformed (Ps. 1:1-3). Unless your thinking is
transformed, you can think the devil's thoughts and
begin acting just like unsaved people do. But Romans
12:2 says that renewing your mind transforms you!
That is the way the Bible says you will be transformed,
not by trying to cast a devil out of you.
Much of what is called "demonic" activity is not
caused by demons at all. It is actually the fruit of a
believer's unredeemed, unrenewed mind—thinking and
acting like the world does. An unredeemed, unrenewed
mind gives access to the devil because the mind is the
doorway through which the devil gains access to people.

Wrong Thinking Opens the Door to
the Devil
Have you ever noticed that one reason people get
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