The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

Actually, it's not a devil problem at all. It's the result of
wrong thinking.
Certainly Satan will try to accommodate believers to
do things that are wrong. But if Christians who think
wrong thoughts would get their minds renewed with the
Word of God, they wouldn't have trouble with
depression in the first place because their minds would
be closed to the devil.
Actually, if believers would only train themselves in
every instance to ask, "What does the Word say?" they
wouldn't fall prey to the devil's bondage of depression,
guilt, and condemnation in the first place. They would
be triumphant in Christ—victorious over Satan's wiles
and tactics.
It would answer so many problems, even regarding
the devil, for Christians just to ask, "What does the
Word say about my situation?" Believers need to train
their minds to think on the Word, not on the devil's
thoughts. A renewed mind thinks on the Word of God.
That's how you stand strong against the devil. An
unrenewed mind thinks on the devil's thoughts. And
that's how you become weak and give way to thoughts
of doubt, worry, fear, guilt, condemnation, and the like.
Another area where believers can open a door to the
devil is by harboring unforgiveness in their hearts.
Believers need to learn not to dwell on their past
mistakes or on the past mistakes of others because the
enemy of their souls, Satan, will use it to gain an inroad
into their lives.

ISAIAH 43:25
25 I, even I, am he that BLOTTETH OUT
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