The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Thinking about your past sins, failures, or mistakes
gives the devil access to your thinking and emotions. If
you've made mistakes but have asked God's forgiveness,
God doesn't remember that you've done anything wrong
(1 John 1:9). So why should you?
Get your mind renewed about God's lovingkindness
and forgiveness, otherwise, Satan will take advantage
of you. Actually, if Satan can get you thinking negative
thoughts, he'll try to take more and more ground in
your mind and soul. That's why you can't afford to give
him any ground at all in you! When Satan comes to
tempt you to think his negative thoughts, remind him
what God's Word says. You don't need to fall prey to
depression or any other kind of negative thinking.
Get your mind renewed with the Word! Don't go
back in the past and try to dig up the things you've done
by dwelling on them. The Word says to forget the past
and to strive for your high calling in Christ (Phil.
The devil will always try to bring a picture of past
sins to your mind. But when your mind is renewed to
God's love and forgiveness, you'll just laugh at him, and
say, "Mr. Devil, the Word says I've been forgiven. Isaiah
43:25 says God has blotted out my transgressions!
You're just showing me a photo of past failure, but it
doesn't exist anymore." And then you can walk on in
When you put the devil in his place with the Word of
God, you're being a doer of the Word (James 1:22)! The
Bible says it's the doer of the Word that is blessed
(James 1:25). God made and fashioned you, so just
follow the instructions He gave in His Word about how

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