The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

to keep the door closed to the devil. Then you can
become successful in every area of life.

How Evil Spirits Can Effect the
Soulish Realm
You know my testimony about how I was raised up
from the bed of sickness. But my own mother's life was
a tragedy. Demons of worry, depression, and oppression
got into her emotional or soulish realm and held her in
bondage. Yes, she was saved, but she did not know her
rights and privileges in Christ. She did not know how to
renew her mind in order to shut the door on the devil.
Sad to say that as a child of God, she lived below her
privileges in Christ.
My daddy left us when I was about six years old,
leaving my mother with four little children to raise by
herself any way she could. All the trouble my mother
had in life began to eventually affect her physically,
mentally, and emotionally.
Finally she even began to lose her sight until she
became totally blind. Doctors couldn't find anything
physically wrong with her, but they said it was
evidently a nervous disorder. She eventually had a
complete physical, nervous, and mental breakdown. For
several years she had mental problems and even tried
to kill herself.
My mother was a Christian, but she didn't know
how to believe God and appropriate His promises. It
was so sad. Someone might ask, "If she had succeeded
and killed herself, would she have been saved?"
Certainly, she would have been saved! She was born
again, but she had just allowed evil spirits of worry and
fear to affect her mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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