The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

She was sick in her mind just like a person can be sick
in his body.
And after these incidents were over, she didn't have
any remembrance of attempting suicide. Through her
ignorance of not knowing who she was in Christ and
how to appropriate God's Word, she had allowed
demons of worry and oppression to get into her mind
and emotional realm.

Deliverance in the Realm of the Soul
You see, evil spirits can cause problems in the
emotional realm of man. We sometimes act as though
problems don't exist. But the Holy Spirit working in
line with the Word of God always has an answer to
every problem when the natural man does not.
I was holding a meeting in a certain place, and for
three nights in a row after the service, a young married
woman cried pathetically at the altar. I asked the Lord
to show me how to help her.
Suddenly I had a vision. I saw this young woman
when she was nine years old coming home from school
one day. And when she came into the house, she found
her mother in bed with a man who wasn't her husband.
You can understand what that would do to the emotions
of a nine-year-old child.
This woman was in her twenties at the time of my
meeting. I saw in the Spirit that her trouble was in her
marriage. I saw that she had been married two years
but because of this emotional block, she was unable to
consummate the marriage, and it was finally breaking
up the marriage.
I went to the pastor of the church and asked him if
he knew what was wrong with her. He asked if I did,

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