The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

and I told him the Lord had shown me her problem. He
told me to go ahead and minister to her. I told the
young woman what the Lord had shown me, and she
said it was exactly what had happened. She loved her
husband but had never been able to be a wife to him. I
told her that it was wrong for her mother to be in bed
with a man she wasn't married to, but that marriage
wasn't wrong.
After giving her Scripture and talking to her about
the sanctity of marriage, I laid hands on her and cast
the evil spirit out of her soulish realm that had been
holding her in bondage to the past. Then I taught her
how to get into the Word of God and get her mind
renewed, so Satan wouldn't have an entrance back into
her mind and emotions.
The next year I went back to preach a meeting in
that same church, and she and her husband had a
bouncing baby boy whom they had named after me.
They were happily married. You see, she didn't have an
evil spirit in her spirit. But the evil spirit had gotten
into her emotional realm when she was nine years old
and was still dominating and afflicting her and had to
be dealt with.
Christians shouldn't need to go to the unsaved for
counsel and help. There is help in God. But there is
more to the study of demonology than just telling people
to cast demons out of everyone they meet. The believer
has his part to play in standing strong against the devil.

The Body of Man
It's important to realize that since your body isn't
born again, it is with your body—your five physical
senses—that you contact this world where Satan is god

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