The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

(2 Cor. 4:4). That's why you, the man on the inside,
must do something with your own body. If you let your
body do whatever it wants to do and let your mind
think anything it wants to think, the devil can get into
your mind and body and dominate you.
Think about it. Doesn't your body want to do things
that are wrong? Of course it does. Everyone's body does,
no matter how long he's been saved, or how spiritual he
is, because the body hasn't been redeemed. We have a
promissory note on the redemption of our bodies (1 Cor.
15:53). But in this life, we will have to do something
with our own bodies or Satan will take advantage of us
through our flesh.
The Scripture instructs you what to do with your

  1. You must present your body as a living sacrifice
    to God (Rom. 12:1).

  2. You must crucify or mortify the deeds of the body
    (Col. 3:5).

  3. You must keep your body under subjection to
    your spirit man—the inward man—the real man
    on the inside (1 Cor. 9:27).
    You have control of your body, so you can keep your
    body from doing what it wants to do. God said you
    could. You don't have to allow Satan to use your body as
    an instrument of unrighteousness (Rom. 6:13).
    Remember in Colossians 1:12, it says that God made
    us "meet" or able to be partakers of the inheritance of
    the saints in light. That means we can walk in the
    Spirit and not after the flesh. That means we don't have
    to yield to the devil's temptations through our carnal
    To understand how to obey God's Word about your

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