The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Lucifer's throne was below the stars, it could have
encompassed and included the realm and domain of the
It's possible that Lucifer ruled a kingdom here on
earth which existed before Adam but at the same time
pre-historic animals roamed this earth. Maybe Satan
ruled his kingdom during this pre-Adamic creation, and
the evil spirits we now have on the earth were fallen
spirit beings from that creation. We don't have chapter
and verse for it; but on the other hand, Scripture
doesn't refute it either. We do see hints of it in the
Also, we do know that there are evil spirits here on
the earth today. So where did they come from? The
other possibility is that evil spirits include those angels
that fell in Lucifer's rebellion (Rev. 12:4,9).
Man was not part of that pre-adamic creation, for
the Bible indicates that Adam was the first man: "And,
so it is written, The FIRST MAN Adam was made a
living soul..." (1 Cor. 15:45). But some kind of creation
could have existed before Adam—even an entirely
different kind of creation than we know today.
I'm not presenting this theory dogmatically because
we don't have enough light on it in the Scriptures to be
dogmatic. We can't be dogmatic on matters we can't
support scripturally. Sometimes we wish we had more
light on the origin of evil spirits, but evidently God told
us in His Word what He wanted us to know.

Lucifer's Original Position and Fall
We can say with certainty that the devil and demons
are fallen beings because the Bible says they are. They
have fallen from whatever estate they once occupied

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