The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

you're not even saved or you wouldn't even think that!"
At times, the most holy saint finds thoughts in his
mind that his heart resents. Thoughts may come and
thoughts may persist, but thoughts that are not put into
action die unborn.
The most holy saint who is filled with the Holy
Spirit and in whose life the power of God is
demonstrated—still has to keep the door of his mind
closed to the devil's thoughts. He still has to keep his
mind strong by renewing it with the Word and subduing
his own flesh so he's not open prey for the devil.
Paul had to keep his body under and bring it into
subjection (1 Cor. 9:27). Wasn't Paul a man of God?
Wasn't he an apostle? Weren't there signs and wonders
and miracles following his ministry? Of course. But
Paul's flesh was not born again or redeemed, just as our
flesh isn't redeemed, and it will always want to do what
is wrong.
If you keep your body under subjection to your
recreated spirit you won't have all the problems with
the devil some folks have because Satan won't have
anything to work through. And if you'll renew your
mind with the Word, you won't be likely to yield to
Satan's thoughts and suggestions. The Bible talks about
"girding up the loins of your mind." You do that with
the Word so your mind is strong, and you can
successfully resist the thoughts of the enemy.
Watch what you feed your mind. Someone has said
that the mind is the gateway into the soul. That's why
it's vitally important what you allow your mind to dwell
on. Let me show you how evil spirits can get into a
believer's mind. A man came to see me who had been
the head of the psychology department at a university.
He and his wife came to me for help because he was

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